GamingMalta makes every effort to maintain the accuracy of the information that is published on this website, but cannot accept responsibility for any prejudice, loss or damage which may occur from use of this information. GamingMalta does not provide quality control of external links.

If you find anything on this website that causes concern please send an email to

  1. Privacy Policy

We are committed to protecting our visitors’ privacy and we will not collect any personal information about you as a visitor unless you provide it voluntarily. Any personal information you communicate to us is kept with itself in accordance with the Data Protection Act, 2001.

We take all necessary safeguards to prevent unauthorised access and we do not pass on your details collected from you as a visitor, to any third party or Government Department unless you give us your consent to do so.

  1. Site Usage Information creates “cookies” for each session when you visit our web site. These cookies store information that is sent to your browser – along with a web page – when you access a web page. Your browser will return the cookie information only to the domain from where the cookie originated, that is, and no other website can request this information. When you return to, the cookie is sent back to the web server, along with your new request.

  1. Links to other Web sites

Our site has a number of links to other local and international organisations and agencies. In some cases, for the benefit of the visitor, it may be required that we link to websites of other organisations after permission is obtained from them respectively. It is important for you to note that upon linking to another site, you are no longer on our site and you become subject to the privacy policy of the new site.

  1. Changes to this Privacy Policy

If there are any changes to this privacy policy, we will replace this page with an updated version. It is therefore in your own interest to check the “Privacy Policy” page any time you access our web site so as to be aware of any changes which may occur from time to time.